Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Monday Night Pondering

Oh mercy, I hate being stuck between a rock and a hard spot. I need to work so we have benefits but I do not like my work because it doesn't do anything to make the world a better place. Sigh. So I do my best to encourage my co workers and try to be a positive influence on them. I also try to give my customers a positive attitude.

What bothers me the lost about my work is that it is so much emphasis is put on selling and not enough on customer wants. I work in a large corporate bank. Most customers I encounter simply want to complete their transactions in an efficient manner, but I have to try and "sell" debit cards plus a variety of other banking services.
Trying to "sell"  services a customer doesn't want does not make the world a better place, nor does it make for a positive experience for the customer. I wish there was an opt out service, like the do not call list, for banking services.

I don't know what happens if we do not meet our sales goals. They probably send you to classes or something. I can sell what i believe in.  I don't believe most of our products make banking better for the customer. Some services do. But do credit cards make life better? no, but they make the bank money.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The least of these my brethren

The Iowa Statehouse is cutting programs tonight. the one that offends me the most so far is cutting funding for public preschool for 4 year olds.Some people will be able to afford to send their children to a private preschool, but what about those who can't? Or won't?  Those children will start behind and many will stay behind all through out their school years. That's creating a superior population, ready for the global workforce.

I just feel we are supposed to take care of children, the elderly, the handicapped, the least of these, His brethren.  I guess the majority feel they can pick and choose what parts of the Bible they are going to abide by and which they aren't.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

hitting new lows

I'm been depressed before but this is some of the worst. Just want to sit around and cry. The only thing that helps is being so busy I don't have time to think. I have no motivation for the holidays this year, don't care about anything. I just feel like life isn't worth living anymore. i know things will get better, I just have to be strong and get through this.